←Northern Dancer系
Dixieland Band 1980
|Dixieland Brass 1986
||Kuwaiti Brass 1992
||Pana Brass 1992
||Toolighttoquit 1992
||Don Guido 1994
|Rampart Road 1986
||Cuadrero 1993
|| Medio Ahogado 2006
||Road to Success 1995
||Rondo 1993
|ドラムタップス 1986
|Citidancer 1987
||Citislipper 1995
||Citibanker 1996
||Disco Rico 1997
|||Dr Disco 2008
|||Disco Partner 2012
||Le Grande Danseur 1998
||Cherokee's Boy 2000
||Park Avenue Ball 2002
|Kentucky Jazz 1987
|Solo Chorus 1987
|Fashioned Gold 1988
|Forever Dancer 1988
|Happy Jazz Band 1998
|He Is Risen 1988
|Stark South 1988
|Bandmaster 1989
|Capitalimprovement 1989
|Dixie Brass 1989
||Dixie Dot Com 1995
||Montana Dreamin' 1995
||Polished Brass 1995
||Brassy Wells 1996
||Candamo 1997
||Big Gun 2000
|Royal Dixie 1989
|What a Shock 1989
|Didyme 1990
||Kwaedo Nanma 1998
||Mupae Gangja 2001
|Dixie Jazz Band 1990
|Dixieland Heat 1990
||Beach Bum 1997
||Dixie Dancer 1997
||Dixieland Cash 2002
|Exclusivengagement 1990
|Plano Pleasure 1990
|Ragtime Rascal 1990
|Chimes Band 1991
|Dixie Power 1991
|Southern Rhythm 1991
|Jambalaya Jazz 1992
|Knockadoon 1992
|Placid Fund 1992
|Canyon Run 1993
|Dixie Connection 1993
|Dixieland Glo 1993
|チアフルマスター 1993
|Deal Breaker 1994
|Favorite Band 1994
|Dixieland Sham 1995
|Jazz Club 1995
| Senor Jazz 2003
|Sand Prospector 1995
|Swear by Dixie 1995
|Wised Up 1995
|Bestbandintheland 1996
|Cruisin' Dixie 1996
|Sandband 1996
|Southland Blues 1996
|モンテカルロ 1996
|American Brass 1997
|Dixie Union 1997
||Barely Union Scale 2003
||High Cotton 2003
|| Currency Swap 2009
||  Chance It 2017
||Grasshopper 2004
|| Texas Chrome 2013
||Hostile Takeover 2004
||Sixthirteen 2004
||Dixie Chatter 2005
||Dixie's Prodigy 2005
||Fierce Wind 2005
||Dixie Motion 2006
||Dixie Prospect 2006
||Gone Astray 2006
|||Bullet Gone Astray 2013
|||Three Rules 2014
||Strike Again 2006
||Bulldogger 2007
||Broad Rule 2008
||Union Rags 2009
|||Catalina Cruiser 2014
|||Free Drop Billy 2015
|||Smokem 2015
||Aesif Alkhaill 2010
||Delhomme 2010
||Overanalyze 2010
|  Hog Creek Hustle 2016
|Hook and Ladder 1997
| New York Playboy 2009
|Muted 1997
|Satchmo's Band 1997
|A. J.'s Band 1998
|Bowman's Band 1998
| Ben Diez 2008
|Moms From Dixie 1998
|Two Beat 1998
|Band Aight 2000
|Dixie's Wild Again 2000
|Diputado 2001
|Maverick 2001
|Pure D' Dash 2001
|Riverside Blues 2001
|Firejack 2002
|Inklet 2002
|Southern Success 2003
|March to Victory 2004
|Sandwaki 2004
|Big Swing 2005
|Adams Circle 2006
Straight Talking 2006
|Underline 2008